Wednesday, November 19, 2008

her whisper in the wind

My mom takes my sister's and my Christmas picture every year.

This year she took them behind our house. The day had been windy and it

stopped for a split second an a few leaves beside us spun in a circle, and I knew she was

there it was lovely. It's one of those things you want to take a picture of,

but you know it looks alot better when you see it. with your own eyes.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I can only imagine
this song by meryme is about everything I say and a lot
of other people say when they think of Daryn, but I think
that everyone who hears this song will smile because they think of her

Sunday, November 2, 2008

HELD this song is for Daryn and we know that savior is spelt wrong but Daryn would laugh. She would love it. We hope you love it too.

  • taiylor and hailee


Daryn Renee' Worpel was such a cheerful girl that was always smiling. She would find something positive, even if everything else seemed wrong. Daryn was just a positive and happy girl that everyone loved. She will remain forever in our hearts and lives, reminding us that life can easily change.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


This blog I made wasn't just for me, and my family, but for all of the

people that loved her. So if you would like to post something give me

a shout because we all love her and we all have something to share

about her.